This is the window sill in our upstairs bathroom. It's a pretty darn
small bathroom too. Not much room for more than a sink, shower/tub, toilet. That's why I love my deep window sills and that's why I don't waste the space it provides. It actually does double duty. I sit pretties on it and they store some of our toiletries. Cotton balls, soap, toilet tissue/paper, Q-tips, and bath salts live in these purty containers.
And since my curtain tended to interfere with my pretties I moved the tension rod to the back of the frame. ***Please note I made the curtain to match the shower curtain. Fancy-I know.
I think it looks good like that. Do you???
***Stay tuned for tomorrow. I may show my other storage spots-you know-like the top of my toilet. Exciting stuff, I know!!!☺
I think it looks great. Very cosey.
I used to store things on the top of the toilet but my kids kept pushing it in. Its fun to watch a full toilet roll swell up then bob around as you try and flush it.
My daughter is out of the throwing the toilet paper in the toilet stage, thank goodness. She's 17.
You are just too clever and crafty!
Ohhhhh stop!
When did she stop?
i love all your ideas. you are my hero. i love you. jodie
When she was sixteen.
Probably, by the time she was five????
No-you're MY hero.
Love you too.
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