Emily scrapbooks with doilies and even makes clothes with doilies on-love it! In fact-I used to have a green sweatshirt with a doily on the front, that my sister made. I wore that thing for years.
Doilies-they're a good thing.
Now on to the fruit. I had an email from Bath and Body Works in my inbox this morning. They were offering free shipping on any order if I clicked through the email. Bath and Body doesn't usually tempt me-but they had these fruit shaped loofahs and I am a sucker for fruit shaped stuff. So I ordered a couple apples-5 bucks each-yeah I'm a little fruity. (And I don't think my shipping came off-must call them later!)
And below these loofas I ordered this morning-you can see that I just had to order fruit earrings from Avon a couple years ago. I loved the boxes better than the earrings. Yep-I'm fruity. (And shut up Davey!)