Thursday, April 18, 2013

Forsythia is resilient


 Yesterday on my way to town-I was admiring (I took a few pics too) all the lovely forsythia along the road, asking myself why I had let my husband pull mine off our bank all those years ago.

This morning, I looked outside toward my lilac bushes and what did I spy?  A little wand of yellow.  I smiled to myself, because I knew what it was.  Years after Hubby pulled it, it was growing back.  This time-he's not touching it, he can just mow around it. :)

You just can't keep a good forsythia bush down!

Have a wonderful day!


Michaelanne said...

I love forsythia...they are kind of hit or miss up here..some years we have hit -40, and hardly anything makes it through! Except the peeps who live up here in snow country!!! This morning, I had to go into work for a meeting..driving home, I saw the FIRST open daffodil!:) Happy Spring!

littlemancat said...

What is it about husbands and forsythias? Mine also has done away with some of ours - but I still have a couple of small bushes. Yes!

Holly C. said...

Yay for your first open daffodil, Michaelanne!

I don't know what it is, Mary-but I'd like to know. I think it has something to do with mowing around them!

Anonymous said...

guess what sister????? i was looking around the other day at my "forget me nots"...sprouting in my lil garden behind pool, (i am being very precise because I know you will be looking for it when you come to the house...) and low and beholddddddddddd i saw a forsythia.....that i never had beforeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....well, maybe 20 some years ago or something........its small but pretty. *jodie*