Friday, May 13, 2011

Dogwood flowers are beautiful!

Yay!  My dogwood tree had quite a few flowers on it this year.  In 2002 the 17-year periodical cicadas reared their beady red eyes and nearly destroyed it.   It's taken nine years for it to recover.  Oh, crap-they'll be back in just eight years.

Oh, well-I'll enjoy these beautiful blooms in the meantime.

Don't these blooms along with my 'thrifted turquoise donut phone' remind you of this pendant I purchased from an Etsy shop a few years back???  They also remind me of the label on Arizona green tea.

Blogger was messed up today and it looks like the comments on the previous post are gone.  Sad.  ; (   Maybe they'll come back.  Happy.   : )

Have a great weekend, everybody!


Dawnie said...

Your dogwood is beautiful!! It looks really pretty beside your donut phone!! And beside your necklace too!

Rhonda said...

How beautiful! I love dogwood!!! Sad they don't grow in Wisconsin :-(