Friday, February 26, 2010

Find it!

I thought I'd share this cool game I bought for my daughter at our local Christian book store. Maybe everybody knows about these Find it games-but I didn't. I had never heard of them until my cousin Michelle (aka Melsie) told me about them. I did remember seeing instructions for a homemade one on Today's Mama, but I had no idea there was an actual game out there.

It's basically a cylinder with filled with tiny beads and random treasures hidden within. (Looks a little like a bird feeder, don't you think?) The object is to find every item hidden. It comes with a little pad with everything listed-you can check them off as you find them, and there is also a list printed on the top of the cylinder.

You can see all the different themes on the Find It website. You can order them from the website, but they encourage you to buy from your local dealer.

A penny can be found in every game and I've heard it's hard to find. You can register it on the website when you do find it. Cool beans, I think.

Need a 20 dollar gift for someone that's hard to buy for (young, old, or in between)? Maybe this clever little game is for you!

(Unfortunately, this is not a paid endorsement. Waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!) And man-I wish I would have invented this.☻


Dawnie said...

This is cool! I haven't seen anything like this but my boys would love it. Remi thrives on "Look and Find" books and "I spy" stuff so this would be right up his alley!

Holly C. said...

Well-then you march right down to the Christian book store and get him one tomorrow morning!

Jodie said...

you are the freaking best....i LOVE YOU snuck Hopes name on the post tooo.....i love ittttttt

Holly C. said...

hehe! Love you too.

Jessie said...

Liam has the animal one of these. There are several different themes if you look on the website.

Rhonda said...

Our dentist office has these, but I did not know they were for sale to the public - thought it was a "dental office" thing. So cool and what a great thing for travel!

Jessie said...

Something else liam made one of these at Bible School when we were at my cousins in Lancaster. They just used birdseed some small little objects and put them in a peanut butter jar and I think the teachers epoxy glued the lid on and the kids got to take it home the next day. Pretty cool Bible school craft!

Holly C. said...

Oh cool-I am going to keep that in mind for our bible school this year!

dodi said...

Love this! I'd be searching and searching for that penny!!! :)

~ The Jolly Bee ~ said...

It sounds like hours of entertainment.

And I wanted to thank you for your kind encouragement with my posting yesterday about 18-year olds. It helps to know that I'm not the only one out there dealing with attitudes and issues.