Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Strawberry Jam

Advantage of having a kid in home ec-she brought me home some strawberry freezer jam. It's my favorite. I took it out of the tupperware and into the glass canning jar it went. Makes it taste even better!

Thanks, Hoper. Mommy loves you!


Rhonda said...

Aw, she really is a little domestic goddess at heart!!!! That looks soooooo "perdy". I agree - the freezer jam is much better in the glass jars - that's where we put all of ours too!

Holly C. said...

Jam in glass jars makes me happy. What all kinds do you make???

You're up early!

Rhonda said...

Strawberry, raspberry freezer jam and we can the grape. I should say Dan does this - I usually help in some way or another, but in now way can I take the credit.