Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ladder planter

I saw plants sitting on an old ladder in a florist's display window a couple of years ago and decided I wanted one for my humble little flower garden under my deck. So-at Walmart I purchased this ladder for 20 dollars and I brought it home and aged it. To age it-I rubbed water based black paint on it with a damp cloth. Then came the fun part-I got out a bunch of different colors of paint and a couple paint brushes and started flinging on the paint. Good times!
Then I picked up these tin containers at Dollar General for a dollar a piece. Over the years I've had to throw out some and replace them because they rusted. Before I planted them...
I decided where I wanted the boxes to sit, hammered in some nails that had little heads, sat the the tin on the nail and scratched the paint a little to mark it and then drilled holes. After the tins were planted I slid the nails into the holes (which double as drainage!). This prevents the wind from knocking the plants off:) I also made a flower container from a paint can as well as a little steel bucket I had on hand. I was quite tickled with my ladder planter and it's held up pretty well over the five or so years I've had it. It's also cute using a small ladder too.
And.....a million points to anyone who can tell me what that 'C' actually is. (Not you Jodie-since you gave it to me and therefore know what it is!) And dang-my bird bath broke. That's what I get for being so lazy and not bringing it indoors this winter;(


gardenmama said...

Hmmm... is the "C" a link from an iron boat chain? lol I am curious now!
What a sweet idea the ladder is! It came out lovely!

Holly C. said...

Yes-an iron link from...I don't know what. It's very heavy-at least 25 pounds! Gardenmama-you get a million points!

Julie Smith said...

This is beautiful! You did such a nice job and now I want to make one, too! Thanks for the instructions :-)

Rhonda said...

Love love love this idea
C for Crawford????

Holly C. said...

Thanks and you are very welcome!

~ The Jolly Bee ~ said...

What a great idea! It adds such interest to your garden. And guess what? I have an already-aged ladder in my garage.

Holly C. said...

Rhonda-yes c for crawford. Jodie had it laying around somewhere and she gave it to me because it looks like a c.

Jodi-you're all set then!

Inoureyes said...

The ladder is soooo cute!
You are a real professional decorator Holly!

Holly C. said...


dodi said...

wow!! You went from struggling to get motivated to a full fledged beauty of a project! That is adorable. Love it!! :)